A vörðr is a type of protector spirit to the North Germanic people. It is thought that each person’s soul is connected to a vörðr, which guides and protects them. While belief in vörðr has waned, what is preserved folk lore indicates these spirits would follow you, and in times of danger, present themselves. They would cause foreboding feelings or other tactile responses, which would act as warning for trouble. The concept was likely carried over into “guardian angel” after conversion. The word itself is very interesting, it seems to be rooted in either the Proto-Germanic nouns *warduz (a guard; linguistic root of modern English word warden) or *wardo (protection, care, attention, lookout), both of which are derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *wer- (to cover, heed, notice). While the connection is tentative, it is interesting to note the vörðr may be the linguistic root of the English word wraith, of dubious linguistic origins. -Hariwulfaz